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Order your Fischnetz!

Order your Fischnetz!

Shipping in Switzerland is on us!

Shipping in Switzerland is on us!

The sustainable dish sponge | Reusable | Washable

The sustainable dish sponge Fischnetz with Benefits is an eco-friendly and hygienic alternative to kitchen/dish sponges.

For decades, such nets have been used in North-African households and have already replaced millions of dish sponges.

It is upcycled from used fishing nets which makes them particularly 

✅ durable 
✅ long-lasting 
✅ strong.

The reusable Fischnetz with Benefits is washable and can be used for

  • Washing dishes
  • Kitchen cleaning
  • Bathroom cleaning 
  • Oven cleaning 

The Fischnetz is lightweight and can be also used for:

Logo: 1% for the Planet

Normally we include 1x information flyer with every order.

If you are planning to give the Fischnetz as a gift, you can simply leave a note in the shopping cart telling us how many extra flyers you need 🙏

Black pin to indicate Fluffikons location Zurich, Switzerland

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Logos for Secure Payment, Free Delivery and 90 days Right To Return.
Zahlungsoptionen für Fischnetz with Benefits: Twint, Visa, Paypal, Mastercard, Apple Pay.
The Fischnetz dish sponge alternative is hanging on a kitchen wall over a kitchen sink.
Fischnetz with Benefits als Silikonschwamm Alternative. Das Netz hängt in einer Küche.

✓ Reaches more spots
✓ Doesn't scratch the surface
✓ Hygienic
✓ Doesn't smell / Odor-free
✓ Reusable
✓ Lasts for years
✓ Saves money

✓ Reaches more spots
✓ Doesn't scratch the surface
✓ Hygienic
✓ Doesn't smell / Odor-free
✓ Reusable
✓ Lasts for years
✓ Saves money


Absolutely, you can! 🌟

We understand your skepticism – many of our customers were initially the same way. But let us assure you: Fischnetz With Benefits are excellent for washing dishes.

See for yourself what other customers have to say after their initial doubts (all translated from German):

👉 Michael wrote: «I was interested in trying out a new 'sponge', but my wife was sceptical about this fishing net. Now we're buying three more... as gifts for the family. Surprisingly, it works very well, doesn't smell, dries quickly and cleans almost better than a normal sponge. Simply TOP!!!»

👉 M. K. said: «Even my husband, who was a little sceptical at first, mainly because of the unusually long and narrow cut (you get used to the shape very quickly), is now completely happy with the product. So double thumbs up from us and an absolute recommendation to buy.»

👉 Corinne wrote: «At first I was sceptical as to whether a fishing net could replace a conventional sponge. Conclusion: I am delighted. Cleaning works just as well and I can continue to make a contribution to reducing plastic waste!»

So, set your skepticism aside and give it a try! These experiences from our customers speak for themselves. 😊🌿

💡 By the way, you can find all Fischnetz With Benefits reviews here ⭐.

Your Fischnetz is durable, strong and long-lasting 💪

You can use one Fischnetz with Benefits for several years ✅

Your fishing net came to you with a hole in it 😊

This is normal as our nets are upcycled from used fishing nets, which can have holes. Some nets have hardly any signs of wear, while others show a little more. This is because we buy the nets as a whole (up to 30 meters long and wide) and then cut them to the desired size.

✅ But don't worry, our experience and the feedback from our customers show that:

➡️ These holes do not get bigger during dishwashing.
➡️ No new holes appear (only after a few years).
➡️ Your Fischnetz With Benefits will last for several years despite the hole(s).

1) Wet your Fischnetz 💦
2) Add a little dish-cleaning soap 💧
3) Crumple your Fischnetz to make foaming bubbles 🙌
4) Scrub and wash 🛁
5) Rinse Fischnetz and hang it 💦
6) Use again (even before it fully dries) ❤️

✅ Yes, the Fischnetz is washable.

You can easily put it into the dishwasher or machine-wash Fischnetz.

From our experience, it's not a necessity to be machine-washed or put into the dish-washer 🛁

The Fischnetz with Benefits does not soak water and it dries quickly, leaving no room for bacteria to thrive. Every time you use it, you actually wash it ❤️

🌊🇲🇦 Our fishnets are sourced from coastal regions in Morocco, primarily Essaouira and Casablanca. These cities have a strong fishing heritage that's central to their culture and economy.

✅ Upcycling these nets promotes sustainability and helps protect the environment and the ocean.

💪🏼 We are proud to incentivise Moroccan fishermen not to lose or dispose of their nets in the ocean.

💡 By the way, you can find more information about upcycling fishing nets here.

➡️ The Fischnetz With Benefits is not microplastic-free.

✅ However, unlike conventional plastic sponges, it does not dissolve during use or cleaning, but retains its shape and durability for several years. This indicates that very little microplastic is released. The exact amount can only be confirmed by laboratory tests.

➡️ Fischnetz with Benefits is founded and managed by Oli and Jii, life partners 👫 based in Zurich, Höngg.

👨‍🔬🏄‍♂️ Oli is a surfing scientist with a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from ETHZ, while 🗣️ Jii has a background in marketing, management, and communication with a Master's degree from Toulouse Business School.

❤️ Together, they are passionate about creating sustainable and long-lasting products that have a positive impact on the environment.

💡 Here, you can get more information about the founders.

Customer Reviews

Based on 362 reviews
Karin R. (CH)
Genial praktisch

Einfach nur TOP! Liegt gut in der Hand, reinigt gründlich, schäumt gut, lässt sich dennoch gut ausspülen, trocknet schnell, riecht nicht. Ich bin begeistert, und ich habe keine Spülmaschine...

Herta S. (CH)
Einfach cool, dieses Netz!

Es funktioniert wirklich gut. Bin positiv überrascht.

Erika T. (CH)
Schnell und unkompliziert

Lieferung sehr schnell, einfach Abwicklung, das Produkt ist einfach in der Handhabung und gefällt :-) Empfehle ich weiter

Ursula T. (CH)
Endlich, DIE Alternative

Als Meeresbiologin und Walforscherin bin ich immer auf der Suche nach guten nachhaltigen, langlebigen und möglichst umweltneutralen Produkten. Endlich, endlich habe ich die Alternative zum Haushaltschwamm gefunden der, wie auch pflanzenbasierte Varianten, keine Chance mehr hat. Ich danke Oli und Jee für ihr Engagement wie auch für die fundierte und professionell recherchierte Webseite.

Alexandra W. (CH)
Einfach cool :)

Ich liebe das Fischnetz, es reinigt genauso gut wie normale Abwaschlappen, aber trocknet viel schneller und lässt sich super auswaschen :) bin begeistert :)

Ella B. (CH)

Habe nochmal 2 nachbestellt! Möchte es im Bad auch verwenden…

Finde es eine geniale Idee!

Das Netz schäumt super, ist schonend und „kratzt“ angetrocknetes
mit Leichtigkeit weg!

Ich liebe es, auch dass es hygienischer ist als ein Schwamm.

Handling war anfangs etwas ungewohnt,
aber man stellt sich schnell um und das putzen damit macht Freude…😀✨

Danke für die Idee…

Ah, was vielleicht noch gut ist zu wissen:

das Netz ist erstaunlich weich ( trocken und nass) , fühlt sich angenehm in der Hand an!
Die Fäden „verbinden“ sich im nassen Zustand miteinander.

Wirklich einfach nur genial❣️

Vielen Dank für dein fantastisches Feedback! ❣️ Es freut uns sehr zu hören, dass du unser Fischnetz auch im Bad verwenden möchtest und so begeistert davon bist :)

Wir wissen es zu schätzen, dass du die Hygiene und das angenehme Handling hervorhebst. Es stimmt, dass das Netz anfangs ungewohnt sein kann, aber wir freuen uns, dass du dich schnell daran gewöhnt hast und jetzt Freude am Putzen hast. ✨

Danke auch für den Hinweis zur Weichheit des Netzes!

Wir freuen uns sehr, dass du unser Fischnetz so genial findest und danken dir für deine Unterstützung!

Liebe Grüsse,
Oli & Jii von Fischnetz With Benefits

Alba R. (CH)
Nie wieder Schwämme

Das Fischnetz ist einfach revolutionär und phantastisch. Ich werde nie wieder zurück zu herkömmlichen Schwämmen. Einfach zu gebrauchen, effizient, schnell trocken und sauber für die nächste Verwendung!

Vielen Dank für dein wunderbares Feedback! Es freut uns sehr zu hören, dass unser Fischnetz für dich so revolutionär ist. Dass du nie wieder zu herkömmlichen Schwämmen zurückkehren möchtest, bedeutet uns sehr viel. Einfach zu gebrauchen, effizient, schnell trocken und sauber für die nächste Verwendung – genau das war unser Ziel!

Liebe Grüsse,
Oli & Jii von Fischnetz With Benefits

Sandra K. (CH)
Super zum Abwaschen und Putzen

Mit dem Fischernetz brauche ich viel weniger Abwasch- und Reinigungsmittel. Das Fischernetz bleibt sauber und stinkt nicht.

How to use a Fischnetz with Benefits?

How to use a Fischnetz with Benefits?

Our reusable Fischnetz is simple to use:

  1. Wet your Fischnetz + add dish-cleaning soap + create foaming bubbles 💦
  2. Scrub and clean your dishes 🛁
  3. Hang your Fischnetz to dry 💨
  4. Use it again 💚

Our reusable Fischnetz is simple to use:

  1. Wet your Fischnetz + add dish-cleaning soap + create foaming bubbles 💦
  2. Scrub and clean your dishes 🛁
  3. Hang your Fischnetz to dry 💨
  4. Use it again 💚
4 Steps how to use a Fischnetz with Benefits as a sponge alternative.
Little waves in left corner. Fischnetz with Benefits dish sponger alternative in right corner.
Little waves in left corner. Fischnetz with Benefits dish sponger alternative in right corner.

The long-lasting kitchen sponge alternative

The long-lasting kitchen sponge alternative

One reusable Fischnetz with Benefits lasts for years and replaces 30 - 40 kitchen sponges per year.

Let's start a dish washing revolution and replace millions of dish sponges with upcycled Fischnetz with Benefits!

One reusable Fischnetz with Benefits lasts for years and replaces 30 - 40 kitchen sponges per year.

Let's start a dish washing revolution and replace millions of dish sponges with upcycled Fischnetz with Benefits!

A woman hand holding a foamy Fischnetz with Benefits in her hand.

Quick-Drying Wonder

Quick-Drying Wonder

A better cleaning tool than a sponge is anything that can dry completely between uses, so germs cannot grow.

Due to its diamond mesh structure, the Fischnetz dries very quickly and is a quick-drying wonder

A better cleaning tool than a sponge is anything that can dry completely between uses, so germs cannot grow.

Due to its diamond mesh structure, the Fischnetz dries very quickly and is a quick-drying wonder

The kitchen sponger alternative that dries quickly and that doesn't smell. A zoom on the Fischnetz is shown with blue arrows indicating air flow. It is written "dries quickly".
The kitchen sponger alternative that dries quickly and that doesn't smell. A zoom on the Fischnetz is shown with blue arrows indicating air flow. It is written "dries quickly".

Fischnetz are Upcycled

Fischnetz are Upcycled

We reduce the negative impact on the ocean by upcycling used fishing nets and converting them into a sustainable sponge alternative.

We are proud to create an eco-friendly alternative to traditional kitchen sponges.

We reduce the negative impact on the ocean by upcycling used fishing nets and converting them into a sustainable sponge alternative.

We are proud to create an eco-friendly alternative to traditional kitchen sponges.

Red Moroccan fishing nets. A white text says: Upcycling of used fishing nets.
Red Moroccan fishing nets. A white text says: Upcycling of used fishing nets.
